Remote Access

How can I view a virtual desktop remotely?

X2GoFirst, download the X2Go client for your computer from here:

Special note for Macintosh users

To resolve black screen issues, It is recommended to run the following command in a terminal before running x2go.

defaults write org.xquartz.X11 enable_render_extension 0

For more information, see

Special note for Windows users

Install the extra fonts during the installation.

To avoid a pop-up error every time you start x2go, set the default terminal to Windows Console Host.

Run the X2Go Client.

Create a new session. You can use the pencil icon in the toolbar to create a new session.

Click the Session tab.

Enter the following.

Session name: jumping


Session type: MATE

Click the Connection tab.

Select Connection speed: WAN.

For slower connections, you may need to use ISDN.

Click the Input/Output tab.

Select Display*: Custom: 1920x1000.

Set display DPI**: 90.

Click OK.

*For some screens, you might prefer to have a little extra space at the bottom of the screen to accommodate the dock or task bar. Some recommended display sizes are:

MacBook screens with the default screen size
Custom: 1680x970

Laptops with full HD (1920x1080)
Custom: 1920x1000.

For other screen sizes, subtract 80 from the vertical pixel dimension to determine the recommended value.

It's best to set this value to the smallest screen size that you will use. If you switch to a larger screen with the same remote desktop, you can always resize the main window to accommodate the larger screen.

SCCN sysadmins recommended that you never use fullscreen. It will cause display problems.

**DPI depends on the physical size of your screen and pixel dimensions, so there is no "one size fits all". 90 is a good starting point, however, if your fonts appear too large in your x2go remote desktop, use a smaller value for DPI. Similarly, if fonts are too small in your x2go remote desktop, use a larger value for DPI.

Now click the new settings button that was created for jumping..

You will be prompted to accept the host keys when you first connect. This is normal and will only appear once.

This system is used by many lab members for remote access. Please be considerate and do not run anything computationally intensive directly on this system. You may run terminals and connect to any of the other available computing servers that we offer, including our computing cluster.

When finished with your session, there are several opttions.

Closing the remote window will suspend the session, meaning you can reconnect to the session later. All programs running will appear when you reconnect.

Clicking the pause icon in X2Go will suspend the session. Again, you will be able to reconnect to the suspended session later.

Clicking the on/off icon will terminate the session. This means the desktop and all programs running within it will be terminated. This is the option to use when you no longer need the running session or if the session become unusable for some reason. Reconnecting after using the terminate option will start up an all new virtual remote desktop.