Position: |
Assistant Project Scientist |
Address: |
10100 Hopkins Dr Room B172E La Jolla, CA 92093-0559 |
Voice: |
(858) 822-7550 |
Email: |
Education: |
1997-2001 BE, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, 2001-2007 Ph.D., Dept. of Biomedical Engineering, Tsinghua University, China |
Research Interests: |
Brain-Computer Interfaces Biomedical Signal Processing Mobile Brain Imaging |
Research Experiences: |
2002 2003-2005 Classifying single-trial EEGs during finger typing and motor imagery 2005 2006-2007 Designs toward practical
brain-computer interfaces 2008-2009 Brain dynamics in the medial frontal
cortex during compound visual search task 2008- Decoding motor
intention using human EEG in the posterior parietal cortex 2009- Mobile and
wireless brain computer interfaces for daily life communication 2010- Collaborative
brain-computer interfaces 2012- High-speed BCI
speller using steady-state visual evoked potentials |
Publications: |
Scholar Citations Web of Science Citations Journal Articles Y. Wang,
Z. Zhang, Y. Li, X. Gao, S. Gao and F. Yang, "BCI Competition 2003
Dataset IV: an algorithm based on CSSD and FDA for classifying single-trial
EEG", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Y. Wang,
R. Wang, B. Hong, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "A practical VEP-based
brain-computer interface", IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Y. Wang, B. Hong, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Design of electrode layout for motor imagery based brain-computer interface", Electron. Lett., vol.43, no.10, pp.557-558, 2007. Q. Wei, Y. Wang, X. Gao, and S. Gao,
"Amplitude and
phase coupling measures for feature extraction in an EEG-based brain-computer
interface", J. Neural D. Zhang, Y. Wang*, X. Gao, B. Hong, and S. Gao, "An algorithm for idle state detection in motor imagery based brain-computer interface ", Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience, vol.2007, Article ID 39714, 9 pages, 2007. Q. Wei, F. Meng, Y. Wang, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Feature combination for classifying single-trial ECoG during motor imagery of different sessions", Prog. Nat. Sci., vol.17, no.7, pp.851-858, 2007. Y. Ma, Y. Wang, X. Gao, and S.
Gao, "Virtual reality rehabilitation training platform based on brain
computer Interface (BCI)", Chinese J. Biomed. Q. Wei, X. Gao, Y. Wang, and S.
Gao, "Study on classification algorithms of a brain-computer interface
based on multi-channel linear descriptors", Chinese J. Biomed. Y. Wang, X. Gao, B. Hong, C. Jia, and S. Gao, "Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Visual Evoked Potentials: Feasibility of Practical System Designs ", IEEE EMB. Mag., vol.27, no.5, pp.64-71, 2008. G. Bin, X. Gao, Y. Wang, B. Hong, and S. Gao, "VEP-Based Brain-Computer Interfaces: Time, Frequency, and Code Modulations", IEEE Comput. Intell. Mag., vol.4, no.4, pp.22-26, 2009. Y. Wang,
Y. T. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "Visual stimulus design for
high-rate SSVEP BCI", Electron. Lett., vol.46, no. 15, pp.
1057-1058, 2010. (stimuli
program) Y. T. Wang*, Y. Wang*, and T. P. Jung, "A Cell-phone based Brain Computer Interface for Communication in Daily Life", Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 8, pp. 025018(5pp), 2011. G. Bin, X. Gao, Y. Wang, Y. Li, B. Hong and S. Gao, "A high speed BCI based on code modulation VEP ", Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 8, pp. 025015(5pp), 2011. A. Maye, D. Zhang, Y. Wang, A. K. Engel, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Multimodal Brain-Computer Interfaces", Tsinghua Science & Technology, vol.16, no.2, pp.133-139, 2011. Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "A Collaborative Brain-Computer Interface for Improving Human Performance", PLoS ONE, vol. 6, no. 5, e20422, 2011. Y. M. Chi, Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, C. Maier, T. P. Jung, G. Cauwenberghs, "Dry and Non-contact EEG Sensors for Mobile Brain-Computer Interfaces", IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng., vol. 20, no. 2, pp. 228-235, 2012. Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Translation of EEG Spatial Filters from Resting to Motor Imagery Using Independent Component Analysis", PLoS ONE, vol. 7, no. 5, e37665, 2012. P. Yuan, X. Gao, B. Allison, Y. Wang, G. Bin, S. Gao, "A Study on Existing Problems of Information Transfer Rate Estimation in Online Brain-computer Interfaces", Journal of Neural Engineering, vol. 10, pp. 026014, 2013. Y. Y. Chien, F. C. Lin, C. C. Chou, J. K. Zao, H. Y. Kuo, Y. P. Huang, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, H. P. D. Shieh, "Polychromatic High-Frequency Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials for Brain-Display Interaction", SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, vol. 44, pp. 146-149, 2013. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang*, C. S. Wei, T. P. Jung*, "Assessing the Quality of Steady-state Visual-evoked Potential for Moving Humans Using a Mobile Electroencephalogram Headset", Front. Hum. Neurosci., vol. 8, p. 182, 2014. S. Gao, Y. Wang, X. Gao, B. Hong,
"Visual and
Auditory Brain-Computer Interfaces", IEEE Trans. Biomed. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang*, Y. T. Wang, Y. Mitsukura, T. P. Jung, "Generating visual flickers for eliciting robust steady-state visual evoked potentials at flexible frequencies using monitor refresh rate", PLoS ONE, vol. 9, no. 6, e99235, 2014. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang*, Y. T. Wang, Y. Mitsukura, T. P. Jung, "A high-speed brain speller using steady-state visual evoked potentials", Int. J. Neural Syst., vol. 24, no. 6, pp. 1-18, 2014. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Assessing the feasibility of online SSVEP decoding for moving humans using a consumer EEG headset", J. Neuroeng. Rehab., vol.11, p. 119, 2014. X. Chen, Y. Wang*, M. Nakanishi,
X. Gao*, T. P. Jung, S. Gao, "High-speed spelling with a noninvasive
brain-computer interface", Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., vol.112,
no.44, E6058-E6067, 2015. Y. Wang,
X. Gao, S. Gao, "Computational modeling and application of steady-state
visual evoked potentials in brain-computer interfaces", Science
(supplement), vol. 350, no. 6256, pp. 43-46, 2015. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang*, Y. T.
Wang, T. P. Jung, "A comparison study of canonical correlation analysis
based methods for detecting steady-state visual evoked potentials", PLoS
ONE, vol. 10, no. 10, e140703, 2015. X. Chen, Y. Wang*, S. Gao, T. P.
Jung, X. Gao*, "Filter bank canonical correlation analysis for
implementing a high-speed SSVEP-based brain-computer interface", J.
Neural Eng., vol. 12, p. 046008, 2015. P. Yuan, X. Chen, Y. Wang, X. Gao,
S. Gao*, "Enhancing Performances of SSVEP-based Brain-computer
Interfaces via Exploiting Inter-subject Information", J. Neural Eng.,
vol. 12, p.046006, 2015. F. C. Lin, Y. Y. Chien, J. K. Zao, Y. P.
Huang, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, H. P. D. Shieh, "Brain-Display
Interaction and Its Biomedical Application Using Steady-State Visual Evoked
Potentials", SID Symposium Digest of Technical Papers, vol. 46, 2015. F. C. Lin, Y. Y. Chien, J. K. Zao, Y. P.
Huang, L. W. Ko, H. P. D. Shieh, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung,
"High-frequency polychromatic visual stimuli for new interactive display
systems", SPIE Newsroom, DOI: 10.1117/2.1201504.005851, 2015. X. Zhang, Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, T.
P. Jung, M. Huang, C. K. Cheng, A. J. Mandell, "Ultra-slow frequency
bands reflecting potential coherence between neocortical brain regions",
Neuroscience, vol. 289, pp. 71-84, 2015. S. Zhao, W. Pei, H. Zhao, Y. Wang, S. Chen, Y. Chen, H. Zhang, D. Guo, Q. Gui, and H. Chen, "A novel linear microprobe array for the fabrication of neural microelectrodes," Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 58, no. 2, pp. 346-351, 2015. M. Xu, Y. Wang*, M. Nakanishi, Y.
T. Wang, H. Qi, T. P. Jung, D. Ming*, "Fast detection of covert
visuospatial attention using hybrid N2pc and SSVEP features ", J. Neural
Eng., 2016. X. Guo, W. Pei, Y. Wang. Y. Chen,
H. Zhang, X. Wu, X. Yang, H. Chen, "A human-machine interface based on
single channel EOG and patchable sensor", Biomedical Signal Processing
and Control, vol. 30, pp. 98-105, 2016. Y. T. Wang, M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang,
C. K. Cheng, T. P. Jung*, "Measuring steady-state visual evoked
potentials from non-hair-bearing areas for brain-computer interfaces",
IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng., 2016. H. Zhang, W. Pei, Y. Wang, X. Guo, X. Xing, Y. Huang, Y. Xie, X. Yang, H. Chen, "Skin-potential variation insensitive dry electrodes for ECG recording", IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng., 2016. J. Li, Y. Wang, L. Zhang, A.
Cichocki, T. P. Jung, " Decoding EEG in Cognitive Tasks with
Time-frequency and Connectivity Masks", IEEE Transactions on Cognitive
and Mental Systems, 2016. K. Lin, A. Cinetto, Y. Wang, X.
Chen, S. Gao, X. Gao, "An online hybrid BCI system based on SSVEP and
EMG", J. Neural Eng., vol. 13, p. 026020, 2016. H. Zhang, W. Pei*, S. Zhao, X. Yang, R.
Liu, Y. Liu, X. Wu, D. Guo, Q. Gui, X. Guo, X. Xing, Y. Wang, H. Chen,
"Fabrication of iridium oxide neural electrodes at the wafer level
", Science China Technological Sciences, vol. 59, no. 9, pp. 1399-1406,
2016. Book Chapters Y. Wang, S. Makeig, "Predicting Intended Movement Direction Using EEG from Human Posterior Parietal Cortex ", in D.D. Schmorrow et al. (Eds.): Augmented Cognition, HCII 2009, LNAI 5638, pp. 437-446, 2009. B. Hong, Y. Wang, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Quantitative EEG Based Brain Computer Interface", in S. Tong, N. Thakor (Eds.) Quantitative EEG Analysis Methods and the Applications, Artech House, 2009. Y. Wang, X. Gao, B. Hong, and S. Gao, "Practical designs of brain-computer interfaces based on the modulation of EEG rhythms", in B. Graimann, G. Pfurtscheller (Eds.) Invasive and Non-Invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces, Springer, The Frontiers Collection, 2010. Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "A Cell-phone based Brain-Computer Interface for Communication in Daily Life ", in F.L. Wang et al. (Eds.): AICI 2010, Part II, LNAI 6320, pp. 233-240. Springer, Heidelberg, 2010. Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Improving brain-computer interfaces using independent component analysis", in B. Allison, S. Dunne, R. Leeb, J. Del R. Millan, A. Nijholt (Eds.) Towards Practical Brain-Computer Interfaces: Bridging the Gap from Research to Real-World Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2013. P. Yuan, Y. Wang*, X. Gao, T. P. Jung, S. Gao, "An online collaborative BCI to accelerate human decision making", in C. Stephanidis and M. Antona (Eds.): Universal Access in Human-Computer Interaction. Design Methods, Tools, and Interaction Techniques, HCII 2013, Part I, LNCS 8009, pp. 672-681, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, C. S. Wei, T. P. Jung, "A mobile brain-computer interface for freely moving humans", in M. Kurosu (Ed.): Human-Computer Interaction, Part V, HCII 2013, LNCS 8008, pp. 448-453, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. Y. M. Chi, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, T. Kerth, Y. Cao, "A practical mobile dry EEG system for human-computer interfaces ", in D.D. Schmorrow and C.M. Fidopiastis (Eds.): Augment Cognition, HCII 2013, LNAI 8027, pp. 649-655, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. Y. P. Lin, T. P. Jung, Y. Wang, J. Onton. "Toward Affective BCI: Fundamentals and Analysis of EEG based Emotion Classification", in A. Konar, A. Chakraborty (Eds.) Advances in Emotion Recognition, Wiley-Blackwell, 2015. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Session-to-session transfer in detecting SSVEPs with individual calibration data", HCII2016, 2016. Conference Proceedings Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Li, and X. Gao, "An algorithm for classifying single-trial EEG during self-paced finger movement", in Proc. CBME Conf., 2003. Y. Wang, Z. Zhang, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Lead selection for SSVEP based brain-computer interface", in Proc. 26th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2004. Y. Wang, R. Wang, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Brain-computer interface based on the high frequency SSVEP", in Proc. 1st Int. NIC. Conf., 2005. Y. Wang, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Common spatial pattern method for channel selection in motor imagery based brain-computer interface", in Proc. 27th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2005. Y. Wang, B. Hong, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Phase synchrony measurement in motor cortex for classifying single-trial EEG during motor imagery", in Proc. 28th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2006. S. Choi, M. Lee, Y. Wang, and B. Hong, "Estimation of optimal location of EEG reference electrode for motor imagery based BCI using fMRI", in Proc. 28th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2006. Y. Wang, B. Hong, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Integrating power and phase features for multi-class motor imagery based brain-computer interface ", in Proc. CBME Conf., 2007. D. Zhang, Y. Wang, A. Maye, A. K. Engel, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "A brain-computer interface based on multimodal attention", in Proc. 3rd IEEE Neural Eng. Conf., 2007. Y. Wang, B. Hong, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "Implementation of a brain-computer interface based on three states of motor imagery", in Proc. 29th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2007. Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, X. Gao, S. Gao, "A collaborative brain-computer interface", 4th International Conference on BioMedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2011), Shanghai, China, October, 2011. J. Li, Y. Wang*, L. Zhang, T. P. Jung, "Combining ERPs and EEG Spectral Features for Decoding Intended Movement Direction", in Proc. 34th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2012. Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "Measuring steady-state visual evoked potentials from non-hair-bearing areas", in Proc. 34th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2012. P. Yuan, Y. Wang, W. Wu, H. Xu, X. Gao, S. Gao, "Study on an online collaborative BCI to accelerate response to visual targets", in Proc. 34th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2012. F. C. Lin, J. K. Zao, K. C. Tu, Y. Wang, et al., "SNR Analysis of High-Frequency Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials from the Foveal and Extrafoveal Regions of Human Retina", in Proc. 34th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2012. M. Nakanishi, Y. Mitsukura, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Online Voluntary Eye Blink Detection using Electrooculogram", in Proc. 2012 International Symposium on Nonlinear Theory and its Applications, 2012. Y. T. Wang, K. C. Huang, Y. Wang, C. K. Cheng, C. T. Lin, T. P. Jung, "Developing a Cell-phone based Drowsiness Monitoring and Management System", in Proc. 2012 IEEE BioCAS Conf., 2012. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang*, Y. T. Wang, Y. Mitsukura, T. P. Jung, "An Approximation Approach for Rendering Visual Flickers in SSVEP-Based BCI Using Monitor Refresh", in Proc. 35th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2013. Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, C. K. Cheng, T. P. Jung, "Developing Stimulus Presentation on Mobile Devices for a Truly Portable SSVEP-based BCI", in Proc. 35th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2013. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, "A Mobile SSVEP-based Brain-computer Interface for Moving Humans: The Stability of Canonical Correlation Analysis to Motion Artifact", in Proc. 35th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2013. L. Huang, X. Huang, Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, C. K. Cheng, "Empirical mode decomposition improves detection of SSVEP", in Proc. 35th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2013. H. Y. Kuo, G. C. Chiu, J. K. Zao, K. L. Lai, A. Gruber, Y. Y. Chien, C. C.Chou, C. K. Lu, W. H. Liu, Y. S. Huang, A. Yang, Y. Wang, F. C. Lin, S. J. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Habituation of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials in response to High-Frequency Polychromatic Foveal Visual Stimulation", in Proc. 35th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2013. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, Y. Mitsukura, T. P. Jung, "Integrating Interference Frequency Components Elicited by Monitor Refresh Rate to Enhance Frequency Detection of SSVEPs", in Proc. 6th International IEEE EMBS Conf. Neural Eng., 2013. C. S. Wei, Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Detection of Steady-state Visual-evoked Potential Using Differential Canonical Correlation Analysis", in Proc. 6th International IEEE EMBS Conf. Neural Eng., 2013. Y. Wang, N. Wong, Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, X. Huang, L. Huang, T. P. Jung, A. J. Mandell, C. K. Cheng, "Study of Visual Stimulus Waveforms via Forced van der Pol Oscillator Model for SSVEP-Based BCI", in Proc. ICCCAS 2013 Conf., 2013. Y. Wang, M. Nakanishi, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Enhancing Frequency Detection of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Using Individual Training Data", in Proc. 36th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2014. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, Y. Mitsukura, T. P. Jung, "Enhancing Unsupervised Canonical Correlation Analysis-Based Frequency Detection of SSVEPs by Incorporating Background EEG", in Proc. 36th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2014. X. Chen, Y. Wang*, M. Nakanishi, T. P. Jung, X. Gao, "Hybrid Frequency and Phase Coding for a High-Speed SSVEP-Based BCI Speller", in Proc. 36th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2014. Y. T. Wang, M. Nakanishi, S. L. Kappel,
P. Kidmose, D. P. Mandic, Y. Wang, C. K. Cheng, T. P. Jung,
"Developing an Online Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential-Based
Brain-Computer Interface System Using EarEEG", in Proc. 37th Int. IEEE
EMBS Conf., 2015. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, "A dynamic stopping method for improving performance of steady-state visual evoked potential based brain-computer interfaces", in Proc. 37th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2015. K. Lin, Y. Wang, X. Gao,
"Time-Frequency Joint Coding Method for Boosting Information Transfer
Rate in an SSVEP based BCI system", in Proc. 38th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf.,
2016. X. Guo, W. Pei, Y. Wang*, Q. Gui,
H. Zhang, H. Chen, "Developing a one-channel BCI system using a dry
claw-like electrode", in Proc. 38th Int. IEEE EMBS Conf., 2016. Conference Abstracts Y. Wang, S. Makeig, "Decoding Intended Movement from Human EEG in the Posterior Parietal Cortex", in Proc. 15th HBM Conf., 2009. (poster) Y. Wang, T. Toellner, K. Gramann, and S. Makeig, "Theta oscillations in the medial
frontal cortex during response preparation", Society for Neuroscience, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "A Mobile and
Wireless Brain-Computer Interface for Communication in Daily Life",
in Proc. 4th International BCI meeting, 2010. Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "A collaborative framework for brain-computer interfaces", Society for Neuroscience San Diego, CA, November, 2010. Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "A cell-phone based platform for brain-computer interfaces", Society for Neuroscience San Diego, CA, November, 2010. Y. Wang, and S. Makeig, "Human EEG indices of movement intention in posterior parietal cortex", Beyond Brain-Machine Interface Workshop, Long Beach, CA, June, 2010. J. Menon, Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Brain-Computer Interface for Communication with Mechanically Ventilated Quadraparetic Patients", 2011 IEEE Biomedical Circuits & Systems Conference (BIOCAS 2011), San Diego, CA, November, 2011. Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "Single-trial prediction of a Go/NoGo decision using human EEG", Society of Neuroscience, Washington DC, November, 2011. Y. T. Wang, Y. M. Chi, Y. Wang et al., "Dry contact and non-contact EEG sensors for mobile wireless brain-computer interfaces", Society of Neuroscience, Washington DC, November, 2011. P. Yuan, Y. Wang, W. Wu, H. Xu, X. Gao, S. Gao, " Study on an online collaborative BCI to accelerate response to visual targets", World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, Beijing, May, 2012. Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "Automatic identification of independent components representing sensorimotor mu rhythms", 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, June, 2012. Y. T. Wang, Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "Measuring steady-state visual evoked potentials from non-hair-bearing areas", 18th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, June, 2012. Y. T. Wang, K. C. Huang, Y. Wang, E. L. Shen, et al., "Developing an on-line Drowsiness Monitoring and Management System using a Mobile Device", 2nd Beijing BCI Symposium, Beijing, June, 2012. Y. Wang, P. Yuan, and T. P. Jung, "Accelerating Human Motor Response Using Single-Trial EEG Classification of Event-Related Potentials", IEEE EMB/CAS/SMC Workshop on Brain-Machine-Body Interfaces 2012, San Diego, August, 2012. J. K. Zao, Y. Wang, F. C. Lin, C. C. Chou, et al., "Human Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Induced by High-Frequency Polychromatic Flickering Stimuli", IEEE EMB/CAS/SMC Workshop on Brain-Machine-Body Interfaces 2012, San Diego, August, 2012. P. Yuan, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, X. Gao, and S. Gao, "A General Framework for Implementing A Multi-Subject Brain-Computer Interface", in Proc. 5th International BCI meeting, 2013. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "An Online SSVEP-based Brain-computer Interface for Freely Moving Humans", in Proc. 5th International BCI meeting, 2013. Y. Wang, T. Töllner, and T. P. Jung, "Two Independent Theta Oscillations in Human Frontal Cortex", 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2013. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, and T. P. Jung, "A Mobile SSVEP-based Brain-computer Interface for Moving Humans: The Impact of Walking Speed to SSVEP Quality", 19th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, 2013. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, F. A. Medeiros, "Using Multifocal Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials for Objective Assessment of Visual Field Loss: A Pilot Study", ARVO Annual Meeting, Leading Eye and Vision Research, 2014. C. S. Wei, Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, M. Nakanishi, Y. T. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Normalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Detection of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potential", 20th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, June, 2014. M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, "Vertical Target Locations Modulate the Latency of Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials", 21th Annual Meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping (OHBM'15), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, 2015. Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, T. P. Jung, F. A. Medeiros, "Using Multifocal SteadyState Visual Evoked Potentials for Objective Assessment of Visual Field Loss in Glaucoma", ARVO Annual Meeting, Powerful Connections: Vision Research and Online Networking, 2015. PhD Dissertation Y. Wang, "Brain-Computer Interfaces Based on Modulation of Brain Rhythms (in Chinese)", Ph. D. thesis, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2007. |
Patents: |
T. P. Jung, Y. Wang, Y. T. Wang, A Cell-Phone Based Wireless and Mobile Brain-Machine Interface (US patent pending, SD2010-204-1PCT; 09062-8173.WO00), 2013 T. P. Jung, Y. Wang, A High-Speed Brain Speller Using a Steady-State Visual Evoked Potentials Based Brain-Machine Interface (US provisional patent, SD2014-166; 61/954,547), 2014 T. P. Jung, Y. P. Lin, Y. Wang, F. A. Medeiros, Portable Brain Activity Sensing Platform for Assessment of Visual Field Deficits (US provisional patent, SD2014-221; 61/981,145), 2014 |
Honors& Awards: |
Winner of BCI Competition 2003 Data Set IV, 2003 Winner of BCI Competition III Data Set I/IVa/IVc, 2005 Winner of Poster Contest in the Third
International BCI Meeting, First Prize of Outstanding Doctoral
Dissertation Award of Second Prize of Natural Science Award (Science and Technology Award, MOE of China), 2007 Nominee Award, Best 100 Doctoral
Dissertations in China, 2009 Young Investigator Travel Award, Beyond
Brain-Machine Interface Workshop, Long Beach, 2010 Finalist in TATRC/Qualcomm Wireless Health
Innovation Challenge, California, 2011 Proof of Concept Commercialization Grant
Award, University of California, 2013 |